In which I prove that I can actually sort of animate???? Laughs I'm just too lazy to upload any of the other-- animations................
Laughs quietly to myself
First time in Flash sighs
Ahhh these were all so rushed (sorta minus the pan but even that is super sketchy ;__;) Gotta work harder this semester!! There were also more but they were just old in class exercises so they were pretty gross too v__v;;
Study was done before my trip-- my mom had some really nice, weird looking paperweights and I'm so frustrated I chose that because it's not at all recognizable. Also the scan and shadows came out weird.
I'm so embarassed about the final one because I had to finish it in the weekend I came back so it was ummm a total of around 7-8 hours? The cloth was supposed to be white and lacey. So I kind of-- made it up. Pretty happy how the candle and the candle holder came out though?? One step at a time I guess /sighs
Also first time this whole year using opaque style of painting but I found if I mixed enough colour, that it wasn't so bad!! (Until I needed brown. Jesus it's hard to make variations of brown.)
Also is anyone having troubles just uploading files from your computer files or anything?? It says I can upload jpg, png and whatever else but there's no upload button or anything 8'( (Maybeit'sbecauseofIE.)
Look at me trying to be all productive HAAHahaha--
Uhh 15-20 minute one layer colour sketches in Photoshop (for once). It first started with trying to make a cool looking desert but yeah-- instead of cheating and playing with multiply and overlay and other effects I actually colour picked everything by hand which was a first for me! Definitely gotta work on it, but baby steps!
Funny how I'm not even using these ones for the final painting HA H A H A ....